hello there again, if I get the chance to get back in the server I would like to try and become a car seller, because I love cars in general. I would like to become one of the best car sellers in the server. I would also like to involve other people into this because in my opinion if you be nice...
Hello there, when I say that I am a changed man I am saying that I realised that it was not the best decision to do at the time, and that it could ruin someone’s experience. When the person started following me, I panicked because I had high value things on me that I didn’t want to lose so I...
Unban Appeal for k6tdrv
In-game Name: Michael Washington
Server: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561199441570160
Ban ID: !!rpuk11206!!
Reason given for your ban: C2.3-player report
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I combat logged midway roleplay while trying to fake sell...
Unban Appeal for k6tdrv
In-game Name: Michael Washington
Server: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561199441570153
Ban ID: !!rpuk11206!!
Reason given for your ban: C2.3- player report
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i tried scamming a person by selling them a stolen...
Unban Appeal for k6tdrv
In-game Name: Micheal Washington
Server: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561199441570153
Ban ID: !!rpuk11206!!
Reason given for your ban: C2.3 [combat logging]
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i got done for combat logging when all that happened...
Unban Appeal for k6tdrv
In-game Name: Micheal Washington
Server: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561199441570160
Ban ID: !!rpuk11206!!
Reason given for your ban: C2.3 [combat logging]
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I have been wrongfully accused of combat logging when...