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  1. DJ/Daniel Dunne

    Make Molotovs craftable on gang benches

    i agree +1
  2. DJ/Daniel Dunne

    Compensation Request - Jack Watson - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Jack Jackson Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198334009569 Character ID: 44461 The date when this happened: 05/02/23 Please provide full detail and evidence: i put my gun and ammo in my bati, and parked it at clinton i log on and go to grab it out and my ammo...
  3. DJ/Daniel Dunne

    New Drug Dealing Meta

    Needs to be changed back or looked at again.
  4. DJ/Daniel Dunne

    Rep after dealing

    Think there should be something changed to this to make it "fresh". So, maybe there could be a way of the police having something new with this also... So just like levelling up aspect of the game, maybe when your levelling up its called "rep" and then maybe the higher your "rep" (level) is then...