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  1. DJ/Daniel Dunne

    Residential Burglary

  2. DJ/Daniel Dunne

    Report a player - 146, 89 - GTA RP

    Hello Eziekiel,   It's a shame that you took this further than our talk in Discord but here we are...     So, I left Will maybe a minute or 2 before you attempted to rob him, I told Will I’ll go to our other container as we only needed couple more materials for what we was doing...
  3. DJ/Daniel Dunne

    Replacement Avatars for Phone Contacts

    Look sick bro
  4. DJ/Daniel Dunne

    Live Now! Tag

  5. DJ/Daniel Dunne

    Laptop Update

  6. DJ/Daniel Dunne

    Racing scene Public list.

    +1 would bring something more to the racing party of the city
  7. DJ/Daniel Dunne

    Logs of shared parking

    -1 wouldn't make sense for gangs to have this as, would gangsters log if a car has been taken out ? Its all about trust in my opinion.  do like the idea just not for gangs i dont think
  8. DJ/Daniel Dunne

    Import Motorcycle Suggestion

    +1 always like new content with bikes and cars to be added
  9. DJ/Daniel Dunne

    Add road name, or camera location to speeding ticket detail

    +1 like the idea and makes sense
  10. DJ/Daniel Dunne

    Yokai Tuner Shop Business Application

    +1 yh even though we have a few already about would be nice to have another.
  11. DJ/Daniel Dunne

    Fishing Changes/Expansion

  12. DJ/Daniel Dunne


    +1 adds to the casino, i would definitely have the tables go up in levels of buy ins like for the people who dont have alot of money to the high stakes tables where you would be given set amount of chips like 1k worth but you bought in for 50k for example and whoever was the last one in then...
  13. DJ/Daniel Dunne

    add session ID to the phone

  14. DJ/Daniel Dunne

    Casino ban system rework

    -1 if you self exclude, if your talking for it to be like real life. When you exclude from a casino yes you can go to another one irl but in our city we have 1 and if you have excluded then that makes sense for you not to unban your self from it. 
  15. DJ/Daniel Dunne

    Stretchers/props for NHS

    +1 makes sense and adds more for NHS to RP with.
  16. DJ/Daniel Dunne

    Storage Wars

    +1 like the idea
  17. DJ/Daniel Dunne

    Highways Los Santos

    +1  adds something new 
  18. DJ/Daniel Dunne

    Raids only to be aloud during peak times

    +1  but have to remember all people cant play at them times