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  1. Nikolai

    PNC - Legislation has more details

    all legislation can be found here(that we have in the city) https://sites.google.com/view/lscourts/policieslegislation/legislation?authuser=0 also shows what law they are under to make everything easier, only things you can't find and are already described by someone in city is...
  2. Nikolai

    Hosptial beds restore food and drink

    on the fence about it, as people would just go hospital to get free food and water
  3. Nikolai

    The police traffic X5 is faster than a 5 Series

    there's not really much reason for the devs to change the speeds of them now, since they're all getting removed
  4. Nikolai

    Import Replacements Suggestions / Vanilla Like Cars

    that's the one we already have atm
  5. Nikolai

    A way to manage the removal of all import cars

    @CSI Greenhalghpunching air rn
  6. Nikolai

    Import Replacements Suggestions / Vanilla Like Cars

  7. Nikolai

    Report a player - Injustice League - GTA RP

    gonna ask a few questions that i expect a response on when free please Why police vehicles? why not local cars found littering the streets? how does this add a roleplay reason to break into PDs and steal cars and/or rob/kill/kidnap other cops that aren't Gary? does this have to be done at a...
  8. Nikolai

    Report a player - Injustice League - GTA RP

    Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!
  9. Nikolai

    Peyote Gasser Flywheels Livery

    gates are there due to it having no MLO by the looks of it, pretty sure base game GTA looks the same
  10. Nikolai

    Audi E Tron

    going off your video the acceleration still seems good? -1 both myself and @Mikeagreed when i bought mine that the acceleration was absurd, just because it costs alot doesn't really mean it has to be good, some of the more expensive cars(like my Adder) aren't that great but still go for 5+...
  11. Nikolai

    NHS - DNR

    end of the day it's up to you as NHS to decide if they live or not if he has a head injury that's more than just a bruise, RPing his head being crushed in is not off the table, as long as it makes sense compared to wounds. obviously personal opinion and not of staff
  12. Nikolai

    Phone Loud Speaker

    knowing you that wouldn't actually be a negative, would it El Hog
  13. Nikolai

    Let's address the legal job shortage...

    hello CoC "lead"(not officially, but i've been there the longest) here. we're currently 6 members of CoC, myself and 5 other staff/staff lead/management, some who have busy IRL lives and do what they can when they can, unfortunately that does also mean we can't get everything done, which means...
  14. Nikolai

    Evidence System (Crim 0.8)

    rangers and CoC go off your ingame name and character ID, if there's no crimes on that and your fingerprint isn't linked(but there is stuff on that) we'll go off the stuff on your actual name/character ID compared to fingerprint
  15. Nikolai

    Evidence System (Crim 0.8)

    fingerprints are only really used to write reports, it's the same way as before where we need to prove it's you before we link the fingerprint with your actual "profile" AKA. Will Jericho(my own crim) gets arrested will gets fingerprinted and police find out he's not on the system(in a...
  16. Nikolai

    The Marlowe Motel Business application

    i'm gonna echo the same as i did with the triads restaurant suggestion. idea is good, alot of dev time compared to latest new shop(lang and Diaz) idea is good, but it's not something that will come to you in a mere few months, keep doing what you're doing and who knows what might happen
  17. Nikolai

    Park Jung/Triads taco shop

    you've almost just got the taco truck with the park jung livery. idea isn't bad, but it seems that you're getting one thing and then almost instantly wanting another thing, i had personally never heard of "Triads Tacos" prior to you getting the livery(which isn't necessarily a bad thing keep...
  18. Nikolai

    Re add old arma rule to solve "Hop on" claims

    +1 to suggestion and adds on Bmav and Donny have made but obviously, the same should go like the current NLR rule, if you're FORCED into combat feel free to fight back, but you should not intentionally go to whatever place to get shot at
  19. Nikolai

    Groupie Suggestion

    better option would be to make a pool of random names(like 100 or something) and just randomise it when people join, removes the whole thing of you knowing the Airdrop name also would be neat for group chats where no one "knows" each other or whatever +1 tho
  20. Nikolai

    Mechanic Job Improvements / Tweaks

    the issue is more trolling, if we were to give mechanics the option to just impound any vehicle they see it should be changed to semi whitelisted compared to now