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  1. Nikolai

    Report a player - 620 - GTA RP

    hello @Tobes where exactly do you see his session ID? it's a rather long clip(the first one) with alot of "filler" that's seems irrelevant to the report, going of your time stamps. but i don't see a session ID anywhere, are you able to give me a time stamp?
  2. Nikolai

    Marksman Pistol

    no we can't, the "juggernaut" suit that you are mentioning is most likely the IED suit the CSI runs around with, it doesn't give any added benefits, and i believe one of the "negatives" for him when he uses it, is that he needs to use a slower walk than normal think most people would be fine...
  3. Nikolai

    Report a player - 464, 461 - GTA RP

    hello. i've found the person in question that decided to be transphobic and he's obviously getting a ban for it. unfortunately from what myself and another staff member agreed on, we didn't really hear his friend speak, so he's gonna go free this time around, but we'll keep a eye on him...
  4. Nikolai

    Report a player - Multiple Grove Street - GTA RP

    Hello, had a read though of this report, and come to the decision below having looked at the footage, and having read all the responses to this report, i don't really see how it's NVL nor NLR, the grove in question weren't actively involved in a shootout when they got downed, nor when they...
  5. Nikolai

    Report a player -****SOLVED**** dont know who - GTA RP

    alright, good to hear!
  6. Nikolai

    Compensation Request - Bobby Stanley - GTA RP

    hello, unfortunately this seems like a user error and as stated in https://wiki.roleplay.co.uk/Guide:Compensation_Request ( ) and those we do not comp for, sorry
  7. Nikolai

    Compensation Request - BeercanButty - GTA RP

    hello, i've done some research, and from my sources you didn't actually lose anything. therefore the compensation will be denied, have a nice day (:
  8. Nikolai

    Compensation Request - dizzleydawg - GTA RP

    seeing as there's been a lack of response for the last 4 days, i'm gonna go ahead and deny this.
  9. Nikolai

    Unban Appeal - moh3b - GTA RP

    player not actually banned, so, denied?
  10. Nikolai

    If you are at beef / war with another gang, colours has to be on.

    *decides to attack city hall and PD*
  11. Nikolai

    If you are at beef / war with another gang, colours has to be on.

    surprised at the amount of upvotes tbf(not a bad thing) admittingly, if gangs(and their leads ofc) think this is a good idea, nothing stopping them from already doing it during beefs/wars by adding a war rule simply stating, "you have to be in colours to involve yourself in the beef" obviously...
  12. Nikolai


    +1, anything to make gangs more than just a group shooting at another group in a different color
  13. Nikolai

    Economy/Climate based events

    +1, though i don't think we need to add IRL into it, i'm sure people and devs are creative enough to make up some more lore based reasoning for fuel prices going up(like rockstar did a while back with a update where Xero got hit by fucking pirates, as a example ) the sky is the limit
  14. Nikolai

    New DLC Cars From Online...

    it is also a seperate subscription, which is something to keep in mind
  15. Nikolai

    Keep the changes at the Mansion

    talked to someone about it ingame, but +1
  16. Nikolai

    Remove the use of beanbag guns in gunfights.

    good examples, appreciate it
  17. Nikolai

    Remove the use of beanbag guns in gunfights.

    i never stated that, but i did state it looks like you're a bit annoyed for missing out on a fight i would use the weapon i had at hand, most likely, idk, i've never been in a firefight IRL, but using the first thing you can get your hands on sounds like a good plan, and that's what some of the...
  18. Nikolai

    Remove the use of beanbag guns in gunfights.

    it also makes no sense for a group of people to rush a PD, but here we are -1, police are and should be more than allowed to use the available arsenal they have been given, we're forced, by policy to have atleast 1 beanbag launcher per car, decided by people higher than us so we don't all...
  19. Nikolai

    How do i apply for a job at LSAir?

    step 1 currently is to become staff