Hello everyone,
Hope you are all having a fine day today. So i am here to ask the management team please can i get the 4.20 weed award. I donated £4.20 like a month ago now and i still do not have it and i would love to get it.
Many thanks,
When you think about it. All the unmc is are a white listed rebel gang, just with better rp. Tell me a rebel gang that doesn't like killing people, there is not many because we all love a bit of shooting now and then. I myself have never had a gun fight or anything like that because it always...
I have 2 house right next to the Kavala drug dealer. These houses are both really amazing houses. Both right next to the drug dealer and they are perfect for storing drugs in.
The large house can hold up to 4 storage boxes which mean a ton of drugs and it it right next to the drug dealer.
Shut up, dont dare say that XD its good they won because its fucking iceland, who expected them to win but come on, England should not of lost that game it is stupid.
That is so true. We need new blood on the pitch. Like deli ali and rose and walker was so good. Rose and walker was amazing. England tried that is true but it is annoying that we got knocked out by Iceland, FUCKING ICELAND !!!!
So i dont know if everyone else did but i watched the England game. I feel so depressed and feel like we need a new manger and to get Rooney and wilshere of the fucking pitch. I just want to know what everyone else thought about the game.
So i am asking you all. What did you think about that...
This is not what all medics do at all. You dont get revived because we have to attend to people close to us and if your at the other side of the map it will take us a while. This was just a few mins of fun that people have taken way too far. Like yeah i know i should not of done it but it is a...
Really ?? Well it was just a little 7 mins of one time fun. Its not like we do it all the time. We was just having fun with the cops. I understand what you are all saying that it is bad but it was a little bit of fun. No harm came of anything we did.
Mickeey obviously i dont do this all the time. This is the first time i just had a little fun off patrol with some cops. The cops wanted in on the fun so i cant deny them of that. I am normally professional but i was just having a little fun.
Btw it was, it was really fun XD
Thank you XD
I did listen to you so and you said you lock picked it because it was your friend but i reported you because
1. It was in a greenzone and against the rules.
2. They was not your friends because as soon as you started doing it they drove off and left you there.