Brief Summary: Change the way the radio works whilst incapacitated
Detailed Suggestion: Essentially allow players to hear their radios even when downed, handcuffed or ziptied, this would allow the players to still have some form of entertainment when waiting for a respawn or wondering if their...
Brief Summary: Custom Throwables (More of them, more widely available)
Detailed Suggestion: We all know how effective the throwables the LSPS has are, but picture this - a homeless man throwing bricks at passing cars... Now imagine throwing baseballs, Basketballs, Footballs, Rugby balls, shit...
Steam ID: 76561198063231045
Character ID: 49279
When did this happen: 08/23/23
Summary: Police PNC Bug
Full Description:
The Police PNC appears to show that certain profiles have no vehicles, however when searching a plate of a vehicle, it comes back to the profile of the person that...
Steam ID: 76561198063231045
Character ID: 55678
When did this happen: 08/20/23
Summary: House Garage is blocked
Full Description:
House garage has been blocked by a local vehicle, reference ticket fivem-20563 for evidence of this as well as the location (location hidden due to potential...
Hello! I don't have any footage personally that I can use at the moment, however Andrew Wyatt who i've pinged in Discord might have.
In essence the other officer of whomst was conducting surveilance in the area witnessed a Black VW Golf GTI pull up to the damn and two nominals get out of the...
Brief Summary: Effectively apply an ankle monitoring tag for those on Police Bail.
Detailed Suggestion: This is a QOL and REALISTIC suggestion surrounding those on Police Bail, something that the LSPS rarely does due to nominals frequently disappearing, the ideology behind this suggestion is to...
Nah, -1 sorry SK, but you can't have it both ways, businesses should be owned by legitimate clean people, you're lucky to be able to own one with a record at all.
The fact this stems from the thought of losing guns is the main issue, if the reasoning behind it to improve quality of RP i'd be inclined to think differently, currently firearm stockpiles are at an all time high, if anything there should be more gun sinks but that's just a personal opinion, on...
-1 - Latency is the biggest killer for a suggestion like this, even if it is secured with state bags and optimised code it'll still cause major lag elsewhere, never have been a fan of "facetime" even irl