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  1. freddy

    a apology

    It's easy to get to that when you are worried/scared/angry etc. I know many people thinking or saying the exact same thing, probably not meaning it to that extent. What is important in this situation is to talk about it. It's really important, to once again make it really clear that this...
  2. freddy


    Solomun & Kollektiv Turmstrasse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7Zstp8jlgo Playing in Copenhagen 11:th of december. That's going to be pretty fun!
  3. freddy

    Rap this days.

    Haha, what the hell! Yea, I don't see the good in that, but I guess some people like it... One of my favorites are CunninLynguists. Check them out, great quality rap.
  4. freddy

    Who would you be ?

    The King of Sweden! Hunt some danes and russians that most certainly is invading our country as we speak.
  5. freddy


    Haha yes, he has the good stuff. The Ellum guy seems to be feeling pretty good also.
  6. freddy

    Navbar Opinions?

    Nice work!  Just enough to make it unique but still clean.  The only tip I can have that perhaps haven't been said is to use a different idea for the drop down. If I'm not mistaken you're using the bootstrap template and myself is not a fan of the drop down menu they have. I think the arrow...
  7. freddy


    I'm a big fan of techno/minimal/progressive and figured I could share my favorite songs/mixes.  I'll keep posting in this thread now and then when I find some good tunes. If you have any good ones, don't be afraid to share! I'll start with a couple of my favorites. Sweet Alchemy live in...
  8. freddy

    Internet (FML)

    Are you running wifi? I usually try to run on cable when gaming.  Otherwise, as Edgar says, might be a driver issues, or the network card is broken. You can try to right-click on your wifi/network icon (down right) and click "troubleshoot" and see what happens. That can usually fix a lot of...
  9. freddy


    I can only agree. I thought my gaming days were over and havnt played anything for many years. Then suddenly I though I try a game out and found this. For me to actually stick to a game it's all about being able to play without needing to be focused on competiveness and so on all the time...
  10. freddy

    Minor CSS-fixes

    Seems to be one little bug on my phone when viewing forum overview on subforum with sub-subforums. Phone: Galaxy S5 OS: Android Browser: Chrome
  11. freddy

    (SPOLIERS) Thats it i quit TWD

    Yeah I dont think he's dead either. That sceen was so carefully filmen they made sure that you in no way could be sure he would be alive or dead. With such a Important charter they would make it much more clear. Though, he's still in a tough spot and we have no clue if he will actually make it...
  12. freddy

    (SPOLIERS) Thats it i quit TWD

    You know what the worst thing is? We're probably not going to get to know the next episode. They will probably throw in some random show where they run another story. I can't take this!  :@ And... they we have the situation with the baby. What do you guys think about that?
  13. freddy


    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Jude   Time & Date this happened: 2015-10-29 ~21:30   Which Server did this happen on: Server 1   Description of what happened: Just got out of prison and a guy pointed a gun on me and said I should raise my hands. I asked him if he was...
  14. freddy

    Borat Sagdiyev returns to Kazakhstan

    No! Nope. Nein. Nej. :,( Police! Take this man before he cross the border, he's not thinking clearly and should be put in solitary! Oh well. Thanks a lot for all the good times Borat. You'll be missed!
  15. freddy

    Minor CSS-fixes

    Looks much, much better. Nice work! Cool, I'll have a look and see if I found something else. No worries at all, happy to help! You made an impressive job to make this huge change, in as I understand such short time, and with so few bugs.
  16. freddy

    Minor CSS-fixes

    Hello! As said. Great work with the forum. Looks really really good. I found some small thing, that I just think might be worth having a look at. A bit on a personal taste you can decide if you think they're worthy or not :). 1. Profile text no padding Feel some padding should do good so...
  17. freddy

    New Forums

    Really great work. It looks beauitful! So smooth. I know how painful CSS can be so I know you worked hard. 
  18. freddy

    [K.C.S] Disbanded

    Shame to see it go to this but feel this was the best decision we could have done. This has been a great lesson to learn and I hope other new gang leaders can learn from our mistakes, at least I have. A couple of notes: 1. Be clear and early on write down the values and rules you would like to...
  19. freddy

    "Violence isn't always evil. What's evil is the infatuation with violence."

    "Violence isn't always evil. What's evil is the infatuation with violence."
  20. freddy

    Altis Rally Event

    Amazing idea! I'll sign up a team as soon as I've got some people up for it.  I guess i wont be driving though, because that will take us tops 200 meters. I would actually be proud of myself to even get 200 meters. If you need help with whatever, like organizing or some funds just hit me a PM...