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  1. Smith and Jones

    Work Banter with SI Dredd

    Tough life, Dredd... I assume you have read my blog, otherwise there's 15 mins of stuff there for you! Alternatively, answer this without using google: What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
  2. Smith and Jones

    Altis Free Press

    "Good Cop, Bad Cop?" article published. I think it's best summed up with a quote: "But having witnessed what I have, I am not surprised some people are driven to criminality, or others to genuine vigilantism in order to try and maintain their own form of law and justice."
  3. Smith and Jones

    Altis Free Press

    Absolutely, you sound like an interesting bunch from what I've seen in the TI thread.  Send me a PM or something and we'll work out a convenient time.
  4. Smith and Jones

    Altis Free Press blog up and running!

    Altis Free Press blog up and running!
  5. Smith and Jones

    Altis Free Press

    A longer article "Peace Offering" published.  Dips into the murky relationship between the Police and Vigilante groups.
  6. Smith and Jones

    Altis Free Press

    What better on a Sunday than a trip to the beach... except, this is Altis. New short published: "Relaxing Sunday Drive".
  7. Smith and Jones

    Altis Free Press

    Glad it's going down well, cheers all.   thanks again George. i want to take a moment to mention ARAC mechanic Doctor D Dude.  He was integral to my first few days in Altis and an article about this brave road warrior is in the works.  But my camera was stolen shortly after my time with him so...
  8. Smith and Jones

    Altis Free Press

    Cheers guys, Another short article published,  "A man of the people", after my experience tonight with DSGT San Miguel.
  9. Smith and Jones

    Freelance Journalist

    Well I got the ball rolling with my first story.  More to come! Story Post
  10. Smith and Jones

    Altis Free Press

    My name is Mr. Smith and I'm a freelance journalist new to the island of Altis.  I've been a frontline combat journalist in multiple war zones and have also investigated gangs and other urban conflicts. I have already made contact with Rebels, Bounty Hunters and truly heroic ARAC mechanics, and...
  11. Smith and Jones

    Freelance Journalist

    Thanks for the welcomes and the tips, gents!  Hope to see you in Altis soon.
  12. Smith and Jones

    Signature is bugged

    ah ok thanks, well once I'm settled I shall throw a few quid at the forum then. :)
  13. Smith and Jones

    Signature is bugged

    I can't seem to save any signature due to the " Signature spans too many lines " error message. All I tried to have was "Mr. Smith in game, journalist for Altis Free Press"
  14. Smith and Jones

    Freelance Journalist

    Hello Altisites! I've been in the game for almost a week now and decided I want to stick around, so thought I'd say hello! I'm RPing as "Mr. Smith" in game, a freelance journalist looking for exciting and interesting stories across Altis.  As an ex-soldier and and now combat journalist, Mr...