As one of the Leaders for the N.L.A, in my eyes this is realy bad see someone in my gang braking rules like this (+He is a leader). But because I wasen´t in the situvation so I don´t know what happends. And Mr: Spooner has been inactive for like 3days now and we hope he will come back shortly...
Thanks for a good introduktion for all the people on altis Mr, Aiden!
A stronger alliance then this have never been seen on this island before and nobody can stop us. This strong aliance will be here to protect the hobos and berate the cops on altis!
We in the N.L.A doing this just becouse...
No it´s not annoying, I think it is kind of nice actually. And when you start playing you get som dam good feeling in the game so you wont remember the lines :D
Thanks Alexim!
Actually so am i dont relly sure what it cost but I it is not that cheap, and I wont sit here and tell what everything cost...
But I have build this setup over a 5year period, so it not so much I have spend on it every year so just start from today with what you have and...
Hmm that is a realy hard question to just answer without and evidence :/
But I will try to do some calculations on this, and I will post it here in just a moment!
Say what you want here on the forums because you never say the same when we in the N.L.A kill you ingame <3
(And it´s kind of lame that you taking my post and just chance the topic) Find something your self next time?
I run on a 5760x 1080 on a singel GTX 970. It´s working fine because of the V-RAM and arma is not a graphic game, you just need a nice CPU to run it smooth, that´s why I bought the new Intel Skylake :D