This looks amazing @Wilco Everything you have done for the community if phenomenal and I cant wait for this step forward to make the community bigger and better for everyone!
After looking at this video you were about 200-300m away from the officer, How do you possibly expect them to hear you from that distance? In future maybe get a little bit closer. But in my opinion this is clear cut RDM.
Can also back this up with this video of Scott RDM'ing police officers, shortly after arresting him he disconnected.
In-game Name: Lukew
Steam ID: 76561198124319929
Date this happened: 01/19/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: So basically I was driving up the road when a Hatchback sport smashed into the back of a off - road which went flying through the air and...
I have just realised that I have put this in the wrong place should I just leave it here or make a new one following the correct links, Sorry about that.
So basically I was driving up the road when a Hatchback sport smashed into the back of a off - road which went flying through the air and smashed into me. I can't really report it as I have absolutely no clue who was driving the Hatchback sport.
Here is the...
I have a GTX 980 and I absolutely hate shadow play I now use Plays TV. Shadow play works really oddly. So when you launch shadow play you get this
This means shadow play is recording and you should get a green recording icon in the top left...
The server is seemingly getting worse and worse over the last few weeks, Me and my friends are loosing so much from constant server crashes. Could anyone explain this?
May I suggest a full server wipe