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  1. AdamBZ 2

    Permanent Ban Appeal - AdamBZ 2

    @Wilco I wouldn't say that you are wrong with this point due to the fact that someone who I used to play with invited me to this particular steam group... the people that I did play with in the past were a group of toxic and immature individuals which I was influenced by due to me playing with...
  2. AdamBZ 2

    Permanent Ban Appeal - AdamBZ 2

    As declared in both of my previous appeals I stated that it was a silly and genuine mistake, now I do understand that this seems to blatant to be a mistake and it looks like I intentionally meant to harm this community or offend people by joining the group but it really wasn't the case and...
  3. AdamBZ 2

    Permanent Ban Appeal - AdamBZ 2

    In-game Name Adam.BZ Steam ID 76561198048834333 Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal. https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/105949-permanent-ban-appeal-adambz-denied/ In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. The reason for my ban was for being in or joining...