So after yesterday stupidly dowloading something i ended up with loads off malware, spyware, virus? etc. i got rid of it successfully but my sounds are fucked up. first VLC wasnt giving out any sound, not showing in volume mixer. fixed it eventually with changing some things and resetting some...
is your fps that low ? even on low graphigs? i mean there are all sorts of things to help you get better fps but with that rig you shouldn't even need to do tweaks.
yeah, many people have been expierencing some fps issues. can't really help you here buddy. guess you gonna have to stick with 30 - 40 fps for a while.
well i get you, you did get a pc for running these game's good so i get why you are pissed. anyway i have been expierencing frame drops since the last update's too. did you try checking fps on a different server?
Alright, well.
From what i've seen the game had/has his bug's and flaw's but many people forgot 2015 was not a 'content adding year' they finished their base code for the game somewhat in decemember. Now in 2016 they announced they will be working on adding content. In 20 days they managed to...
Hello, first of all this post will be about star citizen. so read on if you are interested!.
Most people know about this game, but IF you don't know about star citizen, you probably never heared of it because the developer's don't want to spend money on and marketing just yet/ or its not your...
Graphig downgrade is horrible, they lied again and they will keep doing so because its ubishit. This game is not build to last. it's going to dissapear in a matter of 2 months like the new AC's and far cry's.
Remember the only reason why their game's are so popular is because the large sum of...