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  1. Thomas Mann

    Vagos Gang

    Sorted now - this can be deleted or whatever 
  2. Thomas Mann

    Vagos Gang

    Bugs with Vagos: - No Doors on Turf Interior - No Clothing / Wardrobes  - Can't access literally anything - Vagos Safe not there / not working - Weapon Bench either not working or don't exist The Vagos Interior already has a Weapon Bench, so you would assume that's where it would be -...
  3. Thomas Mann

    Cosmetic Surgery Facility

    I think it would be really cool if there was a Cosmetic Surgery Facility. This would allow people to change their appearance and this can be minor things, not a whole new face structure. Not entirely sure what you guys would deem appropriate for this, but I thought it was a good idea, so I...
  4. Thomas Mann

    Stolen Vehicle Notification w/radius

    I'm not sure what people would think about this, but it just popped into my head and I decided to submit a suggestion.  It's basically a script or something (I've seen this on other servers a while back), where when a person steals a local vehicle it sends a notification with a radius to...
  5. Thomas Mann

    Solicitor Tag

    @Warwick Understandable
  6. Thomas Mann

    Solicitor Tag

    It would be nice to have a licensed solicitor Tag
  7. Thomas Mann

    Law Firm - Thomas Mann Solicitors

    @DSP-Thomas Message me on Discord and we’ll talk about it tonight if you want.    REDACTED.exe#2480
  8. Thomas Mann

    Law Firm - Thomas Mann Solicitors

    @Alfred Wilson Yes that’s what I’ve been thinking. I’m just waiting on a few things before I get in contact with someone specifically about trials and stuff.    I’ve already got over 20 or so clients that have my contact number, won a number of difficult cases and I’m looking to hire some...
  9. Thomas Mann

    Law Firm - Thomas Mann Solicitors

    @SI Corrie Healy Just representing someone at PD (Police Stations) Seemingly as most of the time we don’t get trials and stuff - Judges choose to take only the most important and major cases.    So yeah, just representing clients in custody. 
  10. Thomas Mann

    Law Firm - Thomas Mann Solicitors

    Thomas Mann Solicitors Law Firm - Currently Not Hiring till 19th December EDIT: NOT HIRING At all  Thomas Mann Law Firm Thomas Mann Solicitors is a Private Practise Criminal Law Organisation that represents clients at Police Stations, Courts etc. The Founder of the Organisation started...
  11. Thomas Mann

    Solicitor Pay

    I thought about this, so I thought that I might as well just submit a suggestion - It would be amazing if Solicitors got a Check just like the welfare check (as an example) but more money, the same way that Police or NHS would get their checks every few minutes or however it works. This would...