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  1. Goodfella

    Command Hunter for Sale

    @Bob Wilkinson Ah i see.Ya learn something new everyday.100% legal of course.
  2. Goodfella

    Command Hunter for Sale

    I have a question , How does one get these vehicles in the first place?
  3. Goodfella

    Un-ban Appeal - Goodfella - 24/02/18 (unbanned)

    I have read and fully understand the rules
  4. Goodfella

    Un-ban Appeal - Goodfella - 24/02/18 (unbanned)

    Ok understood ,I have abit of time so i will give them a good read now.Thank you for your time.
  5. Goodfella

    Un-ban Appeal - Goodfella - 24/02/18 (unbanned)

    This was along time ago i cant fully remember what was going threw my head but i do remember that i was looking for a police chase.I was driving at high speeds threw kavala weaving in and out of lanes.It was causing confusion and making people crash there vehicles.I was basically just being a...
  6. Goodfella

    Un-ban Appeal - Goodfella - 24/02/18 (unbanned)

    I have no idea how i can fully convince you that this will not happen again i understand completly if you dont want to take the risk with me.The only thing i can say is that it has been many months since this happened and i have matured since then and i regret what i did i really do.You are...
  7. Goodfella

    Un-ban Appeal - Goodfella - 24/02/18 (unbanned)

    I have had alot of time to think about it and i can say confidently that i have learned from my mistake.I can assure you this will never happen again.I miss this server dearly and if i ever got the chance to play on it again i would not screw that opportunity up by acting like a fool.
  8. Goodfella

    Un-ban Appeal - Goodfella - 24/02/18 (unbanned)

    In-game Name Dimitri Steam ID 76561198333214948 The date of your ban. 16/10/01 Member of the team that banned you. Drew Reason given for your ban. I was banned for VDMing people in kavala.I understand that this is completly wrong The Server you initially were banned on. Server 1 In...