Dzul, I need your slavness :3
Can you tell me if this is correct??
Не возьмите его собака, это его собака.
I think this means: Dont take his dog, its his dog.
But how do you say: Dont take his dog, the dog is from him Не возьмите его собака, собака его(?)
And, what is the Russian...
Does anyone have experience with Game Maker?? I need to deliver an assignment toniight, but I have an issue that I can not find a solution for on the internet q_q
so... I tried to pullout my ifrit at my garage this afternoon, and this happened :p I think it might be the game telling me to spare my last ifrit 🌚
ps. I do mis my 67 Ifrits 😭😭*Loooks at Vladic Ka*: You scrapped a lot of em q_q But it's only a game, so it's fine 😛
I cri everitiem