I am pretty neutral when it comes to the Royals. Yea most of them are arses apart from the new generation. But they do bring in a lot of money. However, they do also cost the taxpayer a lot of money. But they are what makes the United Kingdom, a kingdom and wouldn't be the same without them, and...
@OG Reiss I mean, aren't currency prices based off the price of gold. So as that is robbed, the currency gets devalued (or in this case money taken off). Or could be the government using the reduction for new gold 😂
I really like this new system of deduction. Really gives a good element of roleplay and makes for more dynamic play styles. Not the usual robbing banks. If that happened IRL then our economy would definitely crash! Could bring a more interesting style of money handling and the way people rob...
Good luck to everyone sitting RS and Computer Science tomorrow and for exams in general. I hope you all do amazingly and don't stress! You can only do your best. I'm looking at you mate! @Reagan Curly Wurly
In some cases yes I think it should be allowed. If you are in front of them there is a good chance if you are quick you can knock the attacker out. In real life and not.