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  1. Angus MacKinnon

    Police Seriously Need to Improve..

    "I'm a rebel and as long as I role play my highly illegal drug as a different kind of flower I'm sure to get away every single time, if I don't the cops are terrible at role play." I tried to roleplay with my girlfriend that I didn't have a micropenis, sometimes things don't go your way...
  2. Angus MacKinnon

    Always nice to jump on once in a while and actually have some fantastic RP. 

    Always nice to jump on once in a while and actually have some fantastic RP. 
  3. Angus MacKinnon

    Never been on your profile before. After noticing your profile video. I will never be back. 

    Never been on your profile before. After noticing your profile video. I will never be back. 
  4. Angus MacKinnon

    Report a Player - Mark Brittleston - Other (Actioned)

    @Samuel Thompson Unfortunately, I do not have any recordings so I cannot present any evidence.
  5. Angus MacKinnon

    <3 Missed ur beautiful voice

    <3 Missed ur beautiful voice
  6. Angus MacKinnon

    Cheers lads, glad I wasn't forgotten! Just going to be patient till I am unbanned from TS then...

    Cheers lads, glad I wasn't forgotten! Just going to be patient till I am unbanned from TS then I'll come say 'ello.
  7. Angus MacKinnon

    Well after a long break, I am so happy to say I've been given a second chance here.

    Well after a long break, I am so happy to say I've been given a second chance here.
  8. Angus MacKinnon

    Permanent Ban Appeal - Angus MacKinnon (Unbanned 31/07/16)

    In-game Name Angus MacKinnon Steam ID 76561198006650187 Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal. https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/50139-un-ban-appeal-angus-mackinnon-denied/ In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. Due to the fact I was a complete cunt...
  9. Angus MacKinnon


    People seem to use the term "gamer girl"... Bitch please wouldn't matter which gender you were, you'd still always destroy me in gunfights or RP. Wish you all the best.
  10. Angus MacKinnon

    Recent Events..

    Tennents... Obviously I'm Scottish.
  11. Angus MacKinnon

    RPUK's Second Code Challenge

    Gonnae help me with stage 2 part 2 for a blowy?
  12. Angus MacKinnon

    RPUK's Second Code Challenge

    Literally fucked my sleeping pattern over apart of this code challenge... it better be worth it.
  13. Angus MacKinnon

    RPUK's Second Code Challenge

    It's fixed now.
  14. Angus MacKinnon

    RPUK's Second Code Challenge

    *cough* would help if the second one wasn't broken in the first place *cough*
  15. Angus MacKinnon

    RPUK's Second Code Challenge

    Second one is also quite simple 
  16. Angus MacKinnon

    UK theory test

    Better chance than me pal. Spend more time on the hazard perception cause the software is really old and isn't as responsive as it should be. Could've changed since I did my test cause the multiple choice is easy.
  17. Angus MacKinnon

    UK theory test

    Hazard perception can be a bastard so take your time and don't do it on a hang over like me cause I well and truly fucked it the first time.
  18. Angus MacKinnon

    Well that's my one good deed done for the day. Time for work in 5 hours... Going to be a...

    Well that's my one good deed done for the day. Time for work in 5 hours... Going to be a fantastic day.
  19. Angus MacKinnon

    Well worth the wait!

    Well worth the wait!
  20. Angus MacKinnon

    3 more months :)

    3 more months :)