Ok im gonna try that and im prbly gonna try and sleep now a litfle bit aswell and hope for the best....
Just one problem for me man i love being up at the night and i always press snooze and sleep to 1am normaly xD
Basicly the normal swedish teenager
It was so ezz to sleep as a kid you just...
I really need to change my sleeping schedule 1 in the night cant sleep and school starts in a week should i stay up all night and all day tommorow and try coffee for the first time to stay awake or try to sleep now
hi john im still here and playing i actually remember you man as tom said tw disbanded the leaders in the clan got banned and the clan disbanded but as jedd lii said
Not talking about you pimp i know you wouldnt do it im talking about those metagamers that may or may not excist
Pimp you are a gentleman and they dont do that shit xD
think so
but anyways thank you all for the help with the computer this is the graphics card im gonna buy https://www.inet.se/produkt/5402819/asus-geforce-gtx-1060-6gb-dual-oc/#specs its all in swedish but i think you understand wich one i took