how do you use the Music bots i ´have tried to do the !yt link but doesent work is it only certain peopel that can do it or is it like a register command
i wanna play on tanoa but i cant be bothered to do 1 million quadbike runs ;) could someone with Money meet me up at tanoa and borrow me a truck in the start plzz
Dennis and olof cant play together and olof is shit rn
Godsent is not gonna work they dont have enough firepower and not enough tactical minds either this is gonna go shit for both teams and btw i have followed those new swedes and they are very inconsistent like pronax this is such i wild move...
Im not playing as on tanoa because its takes way to long as a civ and only do legal stuff (im a cop so)
And i dont play as a cop on tanoa because i rarely find any cops that says lets go on tanoa
And i wanna wait to be a cop until everything is stable and people have guns and hobos running...
A thousand views on my forum profile?'m+famous+meme&client=ms-android-samsung&source=lnms&prmd=ivn&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwin5N_PyL_OAhUB2ywKHa6gA6kQ_AUIBygB&biw=360&bih=592#imgrc=7Aa1a1iL-ET4oM%3A
Or not