Brother/Friend/Father/Mother/Cousin it doesn't really matter, your account is your responsibility. Therefore, you will be the one held accountable.
Explain VDM in your own words to me.
It seems you don't quite understand the rule you broke. Can you try explaining the rule you broke in your own words to me?
I meant respond on your appeal, your last appeal timed out.
It seems you took our rules not literal enough.
"While dead awaiting a medic" means while in the respawn menu. You have to hit 'respawn' before you log out, that way it won't be seen as combatlogging.
Do you understand what you did wrong?
Denied, permanent ban applied.
As of now you still haven't answered Crumble's question. This ban also goes under (1.2) Discrimination of any kind is punished by a permanent ban without appeal.
You may appeal your ban in 6 months.