It is unfortunate that it has went to a report however since obviously you guys where very tense, angry and hooked that I am racist I will make my case.
Now to start off with I am not a racist person in real life and I have players on the server that know me including UNMC soldiers and have a...
I believe it was not baited we had taru landing on the crown land you had 2 soldiers cross the checkpoint with guns out running to taru and start shooting it no warning shots was given. I think the UNMC Soldiers need to be less aggressive specially when on our land.
Very long and exhausting battle between the Police and UNMC. Police manage to take over the border office for nearly 2 hours and check civilians are not illegally bringing equipment that is will do harm on the crowns land.
During the fight the UNMC temporary captured NPAS in order to draw...
As Police we should attempt to rescue and aid these unlawful detained citizens of Altis as they have shown discontent that they do not want to be ruled by Tyrants
There was no UNMC captain at the helm I believe he fell over board when we landed there inadequate crew manning the ship so we did a hostile take over to put it to good use.
Wanna come on a ride a long later today? Just going out to watch a movie but later in is fine I want to show you why we are not able to be every where 100% of the time we do more then you think. Msg me on ts3 DI Raigon [999] Athira will be in police lounge 1 / 3 when I'm not ingame.