I call it as I see it dude, not allowing a conversation to flow is bad RP imo, I'm pretty sure you were aware what you were doing, If you dont see it as a bad then fair enough.
If my rangefinder was loaded....
Hopefully this becomes a long term thing! I don't see me leaving the cops any time soon, these are just a few moments of my ladder climb to CSI
Back again with what I think...Is a considerably funny video despite the VDMS, Poor PR and general idiots. After some digging I find some good RP and fun with members of TKC (thanks for the bants btw)
@Imstyle@John Dillinger
@Cameron slackIf it puts your mind at ease, I was banned a few months ago due to suspected money hacking (which turned out to be someone with my name directly sending me money with the same name as me - Banana Duck) which raised some flags, but the whole thing turned out to be a...
The joys of editing for youtube...the parts you don't see...
*Me driving 1 km outside of Kavala so I can get killed and spawn back in Kavala and head another direction.
*Me waiting the 15 minutes in some instances with a cup of tea and oreos
If you so desire it @Cameron slackI can upload the...