Well in my opinion forums aren't RP unless its like Gang Applications, Police Applications and NHS Applications.
Other than that it's not really RP but I guess get a staff opinion?
Ok I was the one who said "Did you desync?"
If in any way you think that's incriminating Tuna you're wrong unfortunately. I heard laughing and saw 4 people died so it was just a regular question.
De-sync is very common and can be funny at times due to the craziness of it.
If you're...
As I was involved in the Liaison and in-game I'll put my 2 pence in about the situation and the liason.
Firstly, as you can see from this Gyazo (https://gyazo.com/e5a0219010ebda33f989afbbcde9d9ab) Tuna's vehicle is going straight down and didn't change direction and you can see that whoever...
Nah but seriously, go out to Kavala. Meet people, have fun. The server shouldn't be just a grind for money so you can buy expensive guns and cars. Go and experience what a hobo goes through or even go and speak to some of them (Don't get too close though)