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  1. AspectUnBan

    Unban Appeal - AspectUnBan - 01/07/20

    1. I can 100% assure you i no longer act in the way in wich i used to when i used to play the server. In the time since i played here i have grown up a lot, however i do understand what you mean by this doesnt always mean people change. I dont take the game anywhere near as seriously as i used...
  2. AspectUnBan

    Unban Appeal - AspectUnBan - 01/07/20

    Yes i did come on the server twice when it was a free weekend and on my friends computer(sos)provan dont remember when this was i just remember doing it and getting banned both times. When on the server i got my friend to give me some money and i bought a gun and went round causing issues. This...
  3. AspectUnBan

    Unban Appeal - AspectUnBan - 01/07/20

    To be totally honest with you i dont know why i used to do things like that it makes no sence to me now looking back on it. Sounds stupid that i used to "follow" other immature people online and make my self look like a idiot. I have definitely grown up a lot not and can assure you i would no...
  4. AspectUnBan

    Unban Appeal - AspectUnBan - 01/07/20

    In-game Name Aspect Steam ID 76561198167312282 The date of your ban. 06/05/18 Member of the team that banned you. Drew Reason given for your ban. 1.2 Where was you banned Altis Life In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. I was banned for racism, i joined...