I was involved aswell, we initated on Sir Leons vehicle, shot tires, he got out with a gun and started shooting us. Since he did not have time to say that he had friends or not we have to assume that he has.
Only reason I would upload would be to prove my screenshot not having the heart symbol not being photoshop.
As I already said it would only be a rulebreak if I died due to getting shot and then there would be a heart symbol bottom left.
@Fluqilook at the screenshot. That rule only counts if I died in a gunfight/got shot. That is why that heart symbol shows bottom left when you get revived and then goes away when you are allowed to shoot again. If you really want I can send you a full video of me being down on the ground for 5...
@FluqiI thought the person reporting would need to be the one proving that the person they are reporting is actually breaking a rule. I did not clip me being vdmed but I got screenshot from where I execute him and you can see there is no heart symbol thing in bottom left that would be there if I...