31 players and this is grove street car park that used to have lots of cars https://gyazo.com/d3bfa7c6a1e443335dea548a4dbec415 one singe van that i cant even get into due to this bug
Recently with the change of how local cars are spawned, i have noticed that there is never enough local cars. I feel the amount of local cars needs to increase since ive spent so much time searching for them when i need them and they are never there in the places they used to be. Local cars are...
As the title sais whenever i see an abondoned car theres a good chance i cant get it start an animation but never puts me inside https://gyazo.com/9f2c621f1de98d202b42ee9d97059f85.
Not sure if its meant to be for new character or just for 0 playtime people on the server, but i created a character and didnt get a phone.
Compensation Request
In-game Name: Alex Maximillian
Game: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561198368078929
The date when this happened: 10/03/20
Please provide full detail and evidence: Bought a Maserati GT and it was changed to an ocelot... Not a huge fan of the ocelot so would love to get the 47k back...
A few minor changes that would improve the overall experience in my opinion.
- Diffrent Levels of employees, only a certain level can withdraw from the business bank account and make orders. This would be great since i would love to hire some people to work as bartender but dont really trust...