I have huge issues with my game as literally anybody I patrol with can testify too.
Also for the past week I've had this horrible illness that also other people can testify too, and so sometimes I join the server with the goal to patrol but often after about a minute decide it's not worth too...
The rule is "(4.7) Using out of game communications to encourage other players to log on and sway the result of an event or roleplay situation is forbidden. Similarly, joining the server using metagamed information is forbidden. (Punishment is a ban)", specifically the whole "encourage other...
Please don't :(
I asked for back-up using just server 2 whispers, guy who I asked backup from was the only other unit on the server, I wasn't aware he wasn't actually connected to the server. Wasn't asking him to log-on to help the gunfight, he was already in the process of logging on when the...
KILLING FLOOR 1 is free for an hour, go grab it quick!
hasn't that HQ been there for ages, just only recently made a bluezone?
I remember going into a few months ago?
don't see why people are bringing up like FOB's when it's not like this place was just built