Value for own life and fear RP.
Detailed Rule Suggestion:
A value for your own life should be a lot higher than it currently is and rebels and poseidon should take more seriously. So if i say i don't want to die cause i value my life rebels should not be allowed to just kill you and execute...
This may be a stupid question but i don't know if its a thing. I know you can prestige in like apples when you hit level 1000 then prestige in diamonds then you will be prestige 2. What i'm wondering is let's say you get 300 in apples and 500 in diamonds then 200 in oil will you then be able...
Thats cheap. They have been nerfed so the prices should drop but some want 50m+ mate. Plus the 4.5 you have to actually buy the barn for its normal price. If you find one that someone have forgotten to pay rent on then it will be 4.5m stardred. That's highly unlikely tho.
Well that up to you aint it. There's many types of servers to play on. Making missions playing with mates or making new ones. But it really is your choice mate. As for this site is for a roleplay server where you can have a lot of fun on if you don't already know. No harm in giving it a go a