Aye I was many things at Blackwing under another name, BWG no longer exists as a community. There are several people here that used to play at BWG but you will find not a lot of known BWG members play Altis Life much anymore.
The domain for BWG redirects here as it was an unclaimed domain that...
20:00 Restart
Fixed Impounding not going up @DjHolyChirst
Added TFO, SFO and Marksman Trained Whitelisting (AR 1,2 and 3) @DjHolyChirst
Added back old AR uniform in place of the grey one @DjHolyChirst
Fixed a gate not being openable at Thames House @DjHolyChirst...
Not necessarily true, sometimes RPUK IDs have been reset (mine for example has been reset multiple times and I know Wilco’s has been reset at least once)