For me the low quality element of robberies is when people totally pocket wipe you or are chatting shit basically OOC seemingly trying to get a rise and basically leave you thinking 'what is the point?'
Below for me is an example of high quality hostile RP, they didn't fuck around but weren't...
Sounds like a common police skill issue to me.
Not fussed either way for this feature personally but if it was implemented it should only be for cars without passengers.
Bit confused at the -1s above as the suggestion was for the OPTION to have a manual transmission, but I suppose to each own.
Would like this option +1 from me.
Added to suggestion:
It would also be nice if your CURRENT Tweedle profile was shown on the homepage (even if just the picture), that was you don't have to click settings > accounts to check you're on the right one before you post.
I think they are fine personally. It would take a lot of time to recreate something that looks as good.
I'd be fine if it was an option but would hate to have it forced on me.