As title says.. Looking for a barn. Contact me in private if you have one for sale as we all know what might happen if it's all done in public =P. Don't mind my statspage saying I'm poor, I've got someone funding me what I need to complete the deal.
Preferably one relatively close to a seller.
@Danish yeah I figured this out now. Only after I spent an hour looking trough the grass in the ditch I THOUGHT I fell into.. Turns out it was about 1.5 km away from there. Waiting for a ride again now haha.
I would need a drivers license for that first haha =P But yeah, I guess I got off easy. Still gutted I lost it, I never lost a phone before and I use it for saving work notes, it's my only alarm clock, my only way to check what time I'm expected at work Wednesday morning haha. Trying to arrange...
TFW you bike home drunk from a party, pull your steer out of your bike, go headfirst into a ditch and when you finally managed to bike that shitty bike all the way home 1 hour later, realise you probably lost your phone in the damn ditch.. FML right now.
You got the ARAC headquarters and buy the license. Not sure how much it will cost. Used to be 1 million back when I got it but that's been a while.
Misread the question lol, this answer is useless =D Sorry =D
Shotter, hitter, serial killer,
Go a your funeral and all drink out your liquor,
When you are bury we a-stand next to the vicar,
Fling on some dirt and make your bury a little quicker!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We understand that you have come tonight to bear witness to the sound of Drum and Bass
We regret to announce that this is not the case.. As instead we come tonight to bring you
The sonic recreation of the end of the world.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Perpare.. to..