A cut, fully muted video that doesn't show the full situation doesn't do much to help me see your side. As valid as I'm sure it may be from you perspective, from mine your accusations don't add up. That video is useless. You say there was a large amount of time between these two incidents but...
Hello JD, now I can see why you believe this is NLR, but in my opinion, I don't believe it is, as the situation that I went down in was a gunfight with cutlass at the airport. My character luckily managed to make it to pillbox to receive treatment. Once I was out of pillbox I have seen I had 2...
Hello @zychoI hope all is well,
I've just watched the video and don't believe I saw anyone aim a gun? If you could please point out a timestamp to me or a screenshot I would appreciate it.
I feel its quite clear in your video Abdul slows down as soon as he can when colliding with you as...
Compensation Request
In-game Name: Matthew Labile
Game: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561199154044237
Character ID: 27080
The date when this happened: 08/03/23
Please provide full detail and evidence: Hello troops me again, video is self explanatory was flying a helicopter and it just despawned which...
Compensation Request
In-game Name: Matthew Labile
Game: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561199154044237
Character ID: 27080
The date when this happened: 08/02/23
Please provide full detail and evidence: video is self explanatory, got flung across a road due to a car spawning on me which made me die...
I think things are fine as they are right now, if people want on foot fights this can be agreed upon when setting war rules like the most recent azteca v balla war. I personally like car fighting and also feel forcing first person will just again be a massive buff to the police.
Hello @moley2011, this has come to my attention, the person in question here is one of my members and I'm reaching out on his behalf as he is currently unavailable, I thought I'd comment before any sort of action gets taken on this and was wondering if you would be willing to try and resolve...
Hello Dex, I just wanna start by saying that I was under the impression that carrying a body over any sort of wall/fence was fine as long as it was role-played out as throughout my 2 years I've always experienced police do this to me via the escort keybind. My downed gang member was also able to...
Compensation Request
In-game Name: Matthew Labile
Game: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561199154044237
Character ID: 27080
The date when this happened: 11/14/22
Please provide full detail and evidence: put a portable speaker down whilst picking up a package without realising and the speaker despawned...