Not quite mate, my suggestion is at different hours to whitelist. Meaning that there is still a time slot for new players but the people involved in the community have their slot to get a queue priority in the server
Thank you to all of you for the time I have had in the RPUK Twitch team, but unfortunatley I am going to be leaving. It has really been great for the few streams I have had, to have you guys along there with me. I still plan to stream occasionally, and maybe even on the RPUK Servers again -...
Brief Summary:
The server is whitelisted, apart from certain hours during peak times - the server is unwhitelisted.
Detailed Suggestion:
Start whitelisting the FiveM server, get people to put in their applications and get their ones done soon. How it would work is between the hours of for...
Yes, and the established members - that are not in a whitelisted group... for whatever reason...
Think members of the RPUK Stream team, whilst streaming should get it (Obviously not when not streaming) to try and encourage regular streaming