@Temper_ is that a new thing? all the times i've been in ( quiet a few ask @Coozer ) when ever i log out im always back in even after a day or two has passed?
Its not hard to break out of prison just jump the fence lmao and ur away free soon as you go more then a mile away ur sentence ends and you get ur clothes back
@YoCo I believe @MacDonald should be able to claim ur own award , via the powers vested in my from Ali Barber I'm pretty sure you see Nick run in attempting to tower lag completely fail and get absolutely minced in a matter of seconds! https://clips.twitch.tv/JoyousShortPotPunchTrees
I mean thats a bit of a stretch , your the one being hostile and swearing etc I was having a nice chill talk with ur boy before you turned up trying to look like billy big bollocks!
I gave ya video a brief look over we had a nice little chat you threatened me I responded to your threat and then...
Well the only plausible thing to do next is revolution!
@Hasan Carsteinnn get out the camera and get Reagan to make an unban appeal it’s cringy evacuation time!
In the name of our new mayor we shall brutally murder 3 innocent police men that are only doing there jobs!
The dumbbells don't disappear which leads to a huge pile of em, and the sentence doesn't count down at the top haven't been realised yet so I don't know if the timer behind the scenes goes down.
also seem to lose your clothes but not sure if its a feature or not.