Think you've got your wrong thinking hat on lad 😉. One wave the police pushed you back at the base we had cops inside your armoury and everything nothing else happend so i pulled my lads out there. Dont forget the lads winging about the ghosthawk and making assumptions without any evidence tut...
People need to chill out man, its a helicopter ingame. If its abused they will be in trouble. Fuck me let people enjoy the game and enjoy the footage. We can all look back at this in time to come and be proud of the moments we make. Its friday go out and get a kebab and enjoy your night!
I thought it was fantastic mate but some people dont agree and have not took time to see this as adding a whole new chapter to the ongoing war with PLF and UNMC. Props to you for being like this after the event and i respect you for that Bennett. Well done mate!
We dont like seeing any of this sort of stuff going on mate. I just said my part and didn't want anything to do with Hoggie's decision. Its time the police step up and stopped being walked all over like we are nothing.
We dont like seeing any of this sort of stuff going on mate. I just said my part and didn't want anything to do with Hoggie's decision. Its time the police step up and stopped being walked all over like we are nothing. We have to be heard too! Ahaha
This isnt a war mate calm down ahahaha. Its just a warning to keep there hands of the police ?. We do our bit to protect the island and the law abiding citizens and they can resolve any of there issues without bothering us.