So today's the day guys! 9pm this evening the second AQBC kicks off! Remember when you arrive at the track to come and see me (dr. Von beagle) to pay your entry fee of 5k and then you'll be put in a waiting area untill it's time to race :D
The police will be at the event so don't be alarmed...
so ive yet again lost lots of money, items and helicopters after restarts im fed up
In-game name: Dr. Vonbeagle
What was lost: money, guns/ attachments/ orcha x1 hummingbird x1
Value of item/money lost: 3.2m
Quick description of what happened: everytime the server restarts recently i...
Players who are wanting to enter the race if you could please post your in game player name below so it will be easier come race day to get the races sorted faster :D (although its not nessesary you can just rock up on the day)
Welcome to the Altis QuadBike Championships
We held our Second event this evening which was live streamed by Goatie (link Below) The winner of tonights championship was SIMPAN Congratulations! (he smashed it) (new link up soon)
The event will be...