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  1. M

    Compensation Request - Myrmidon_Achilles

    In-game Name: Ed Blades Steam ID: 76561198109018672 Date this happened: 04/25/2016 The Server this happened on.: Server 3 Please provide full detail and evidence: Started new on server, change log says I should have started with £100k but this was not the case. It also stated requests welcome...
  2. M

    Audio woes

    So I'm new to the server and to rp in general, but so far having fun :) Problem is that when people speak to me outside of a vehicle I can't hear them as mic volume for direct communication seems to be under general volume not radio volume? I forget correct terms in the options menu sorry. So...
  3. M

    Gang Recommendations

    Me and a couple buddies setting up a gang over the weekend, feel free to add me on steam and when I finish work (Friday morning) we can talk. The gang however wont be made until the weekend if you can wait this long. Anyway my steam name is Myrmidon_Achilles, literally only steam profile with...
  4. M

    Character Question

    So hi, I'm new to altis life :) and what a wonderful server to start on too! My question is this...does my ign cone from my steam account or my arma profile? And if it is from arma profile is it possible to change this name and character looks on the profile without losing my current progress...