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  1. O

    I can understand it if the cops are there and it's announced that they will open fire if shots...

    I can understand it if the cops are there and it's announced that they will open fire if shots are taken. At least then you know the risk and can work around it and enjoy the fight. But when you get shot in the back by some unknown party it's kinda disconcerting. Worst thing I've seen so far is...
  2. O

    Yea, I've asked a few staff before about the issue and from my understanding of what they told...

    Yea, I've asked a few staff before about the issue and from my understanding of what they told me, they need to initiate themselves and can't just start firing due to being associated like that. Really gets irritating when some guy shoots you from over 100m away and just uses the excuse "Oh he's...
  3. O

    So why is it when player A is in a gang with player B they think they (player A) can open fire...

    So why is it when player A is in a gang with player B they think they (player A) can open fire on someone who has initiated on player B when player A is a remarkable distance away and not even partaking in the situation.
  4. O

    So if I'm going to attempt a treasury rp scenario should I just send a link to the documents I...

    So if I'm going to attempt a treasury rp scenario should I just send a link to the documents I have to whatever the highest ranked police is online at the time? Or should I send it straight to a specific department?
  5. O

    The State of RP

    I agree that some situations are done very well, in fact Kaostic here helped me kidnap a few people and bring them over the UNMC border just to hold surprise parties for them. However most of the encounters I've had are nothing short of "You have what I want, and if I don't get it I'm going to...
  6. O

    The State of RP

    I think people need to take a minute to realize that they don't always need to force RP to their advantage 100% of the time. If you're gonna go up to someone and say "Give me your backpack." if the other person begins to question why you're taking his backpack then you shoot him in the face...
  7. O

    So is it really ok to gun someone down when someone initiates a scenario with my gang member...

    So is it really ok to gun someone down when someone initiates a scenario with my gang member when I'm 200m away without giving any form of indication as to me being with said person?
  8. O

    I never said trigger happy cops were the main reason. Those were 2 very different complaints.

    I never said trigger happy cops were the main reason. Those were 2 very different complaints.
  9. O

    I don't know man, I never seem to have good run-ins with the police force. Most of my run-ins...

    I don't know man, I never seem to have good run-ins with the police force. Most of my run-ins result in them opening fire when I am complying with their instructions, I even had the pleasure of watching them tazer a man that had done nothing wrong and then gun down another with lethal force from...
  10. O

    We could use a few more admin on overnight. And it seems the police that come on in the morning...

    We could use a few more admin on overnight. And it seems the police that come on in the morning are a bit too trigger happy and need to work on roleplay, they continuously force RP in whatever direction they want without allowing the other party to even try to gain an edge or control.