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  1. L

    Unban Abppeal (GamesCove) (No response)

    That's not a GUID!
  2. L

    Ban the Person above you game.

    Banned for improper reason! 
  3. L

    Wilco! (Or any admin)(Duplicate)

    Actually, I am unbanned, but it says I still need to apply for my unban! That's the problem. 
  4. L

    Ban the Person above you game.

    Banned for not calling me a grammar Nazi!
  5. L

    Teamspeak unban (Format not used)

    You need to use the format as well!
  6. L

    Ban the Person above you game.

    Banned for spelling "brothers" instead of "brother's".
  7. L

    Wilco! (Or any admin)(Duplicate)

    You can't spam your own post :)
  8. L

    Ban the Person above you game.

    Banned for spelling "banned" as "bannde" and saying "drugges" when it should have been "drugged".
  9. L

    Ban the Person above you game.

    Banned for giving away drugged Cookies!
  10. L

    plz unban me (Denied)

    You need a Admin to look at it which could take *Shrug*
  11. L

    plz unban me (Denied)

    You need the GUID as well.
  12. L

    plz unban me (Denied)

    No, you need to follow the right Unban Format! www.altislife.co.uk/topics/4325-important-how-to-appeal-your-ban-read-before-opening-a-request/
  13. L

    plz unban me (Denied)

    Wrong Format!
  14. L

    Member Ranks

    How do you become a Advanced Member and Member?
  15. L

    WILCO, OR ANY ADMIN, can you at some time try and deal with my unban that hasn't unbanned me?

    WILCO, OR ANY ADMIN, can you at some time try and deal with my unban that hasn't unbanned me?
  16. L

    I just want to know when I can be unbanned after My Unban Apeal was Accepted!

    I just want to know when I can be unbanned after My Unban Apeal was Accepted!
  17. L

    I don't like to be lied to by being told I'm unbanned but try to get onto the 1st server and it...

    I don't like to be lied to by being told I'm unbanned but try to get onto the 1st server and it says I'm still banned!
  18. L

    Ban the Person above you game.

    Banned for talking off topic on the "Ban the person above you game."
  19. L

    Ban the Person above you game.

    Banned for not having a "." at the end of your sentence.
  20. L

    I want to play On SERVER 1 BUT MY unbann hasn't unbanned me yet!

    I want to play On SERVER 1 BUT MY unbann hasn't unbanned me yet!