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  1. KillerCurse

    Report a player - 380 and 382 - GTA RP

    I dont think there is not much to say here bro u basicly destroyed my RP but we can go in 10 minutes to the room and talk if u think u can convince me VDM is approved then we gonna see what happens from there . And please dont threaten me beacuse im convinced you are in the wrong tbh and for the...
  2. KillerCurse

    Report a player - 380 and 382 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Jack Richards Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 380 and 382 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 11/28/22 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1530 What best describes this incident ?: NVL AND RDM...
  3. KillerCurse

    Report a player - Jack Richards & Will - GTA RP

    When you get your sorry and you see  someone is really sorry and u still report and write stuff like this , a move like that . That specific word is used for centuries we are humans and we have words we put meaning to it , but i dont know how to call that move from Delilah. All the best now i...
  4. KillerCurse

    Report a player - Jack Richards & Will - GTA RP

    I dont see the problem in my eyes towards you i cant hate someone i never met in my life please just leave it at that we wont talk now beacuse there is no way of communicating with u when we try to get our point of view ( POINT OF VIEW IS A WAY OF THINKING AT THAT TIME ) you think we argue with...
  5. KillerCurse

    Report a player - Jack Richards & Will - GTA RP

    And this is my response to Delilah beacuse she said if the same happened to me if i was in her shoes would i report the answer is NO , beacuse im a human and i understand mistakes happen im giving an example personal one i had rp with Drex a staff member and mistakes happened we went discord...
  6. KillerCurse

    Report a player - Jack Richards & Will - GTA RP

    We are not going round in circles you are just a mad women who doesnt want to take sorry as an answer multiple times so what ever staff says that doesnt change you for who you are so i would consider a bit to drop down the ego, what else can we do except apologise and move on from our side we...
  7. KillerCurse

    Report a player - Jack Richards & Will - GTA RP

    You can clearly see your boys panicked too when the explosion happened to be honest you provided that evidence by yourself , you are just now forcing High Quality roleplay in the story but you need to understand it wasnt our fault either you can see explotions your guy start to talk ,,yo what...
  8. KillerCurse

    Report a player - Jack Richards & Will - GTA RP

    Btw we were sorting this out on discord for 2 hours i dont see the point of Delilah arguing and proving points and then us coming to a conclusion together that explosions did make the RP a bit diffrent and then procced to file a report a bit of cheeky for me tbh . if she wanted to post the...
  9. KillerCurse

    Report a player - Jack Richards & Will - GTA RP

    Im just gonna tell my side of it and what i think about the whole situation , in past 3 days we met yakuzas they kidnapped me (boss of cammora) took my gun for petty shit and threaten me with my life , for 2 days i was looking on a way to start fuss with them and the best way was beacuse they...
  10. KillerCurse


    Kamora (Camorra ) is one of the oldest organised criminal groups that operates from the early 18 century , during changes of politicians in Italy and reconstruction of old laws Kamora family is forced to imigrate . Jack Richards a young men aged 22 from Napoli was few of the last  Kamoras young...
  11. KillerCurse


    I wont be a dickhead about it innit if staff see this i would like this topic TO BE CLOSED ,we had an argument and basicly i get it now we should done this in discord innit all the best lad nothing personal dont just get me wrong 
  12. KillerCurse


    Im gonna accept your response as an half argument only problem there is i never talked about your gang after the night that you killed me beacuse i know you are far more powerful opponent and i want peace in city just money making innit , still cant wrap my head around how can you say that i...
  13. KillerCurse


    There should be a rule about this , beacuse basicly my cards are like this i cant make a meet up and solve the problem beacuse i dont remember i will constantly get bullied innit for some petty shit , and basicly you can just molest me every time you see mee the feud should be over when u kill...
  14. KillerCurse


    (The next day you came to the shop opposite our turf and we spotted you, we approached you as barry told us in game that you were going to start hunted down del perro and NSC as revenge) - i never spoke with barry after my death , in the rules you can clearly see ( If an altercation has occurred...
  15. KillerCurse


  16. KillerCurse

