(C1.1) Bullying
Permanent ban
Bullying of any kind is strictly prohibited. Any bullying on our platforms; RPUK main, courts and groups discord, teamspeak, RPUK owned documents and the forums will NOT be tolerated. The punishment will be a permanent ban.
(C1.2) Discrimination
Permanent ban
Do not express discriminatory or otherwise offensive views. This
is no place for racism, religious hatred, ageism, sexism,
homophobia, gender or disability discrimination.
(C1.3) OOC AbuseSwearing at someone outside of roleplay with malicious intent,
will not be tolerated.
(C1.4) HarassmentPermanent banAny threat to, or harassment of, any person, or the community,
will not be tolerated. Depending on the context of the threat we
will fully assist the UK police with their enquiries.
(C1.5) Infrastructure
Permanent ban
Any attempts to harm or otherwise disrupt our infrastructure will
not be tolerated. We take attacks and threats to attack seriously.
We will work with the UK police and other law enforcement
authorities and supply any evidence necessary to lead to a
(C1.6) Community Ban
Permanent ban
The Staff Team may remove any member from the servers and
community at any time if they are considered disruptive to the
community or we have a valid reason to believe they are here to
cause issues.
(C1.7) Common Sense
As a Roleplay game, every situation is different and not
everything can be detailed within these rules and so it is
important to remember this is an adult community and some things
simply come down to common sense.
(C1.8) Encouraging Rule Breaks
Forcing or encouraging another member of the community to break a
(C1.9) Age Restrictions
Providing a false age when applying to join a whitelisted faction
in order to circumvent the age limits.
(C1.10) Trolling
The following examples are considered trolling however there are
multiple others so we advise common sense. Running around the
police/medics/anyone, throwing yourself in front of vehicles,
playing music in any chat or on teamspeak, bombarding the
messaging system, buying multiple vehicles to block spawn areas or
using them to blow things up, jumping off buildings without RP,
talking/playing music in the character selection screen.
(C1.11) Trading
Permanent ban
Roleplay UK does not condone any sort of real life to ingame
trading or vice versa. This is due to the fact that we do not want
to look like a commercial entity, or any of our members for that
case. You are free to donate on behalf of a member as an act of
kindness, but not in return for an item. Bad Example: “Whoever
wants donator send me 2 million in cash.” Exception: “I am having
a cross Los Santos race, winner will receive a free donator
package for one month!” (Please authorise with a staff member if
you wish to do this, or we may see it as a breach of this
(C1.12) Sensitive Roleplay
Permanent ban
Continuing to roleplay subjects of a sensitive nature after being
requested to stop by another player will not be tolerated.
(C1.13) Idling
We have one of the busiest Roleplay communities in Europe,
therefore, if you need to go to the shops or go away from your PC
for more than 5 minutes then please kindly disconnect from the
game servers.
(C1.14) Threats to report / Disputes / Breaking RP in Voice
There are so many people on the server with all different points
of view and disputes and disagreements are all part of the game,
however please do not discuss them in-game also do not break RP in
voice. For example, if someone has RDM’ed you discussing this on
the server or saying “I am going to report you” is not allowed.
Please use the forums or teamspeak to report or discuss
(C1.15) Ban Evasion
Permanent ban
Bans apply to the person, not to the account. Creating a new
account, or employing any other measure to try to evade a ban will
result in the evading accounts being banned, and extension of the
original ban. Persistent attempts to evade bans will be met with a
community ban.