An update for everyone who has been asking and keeping check on me,
so mum has been in hospital for around 13 weeks now they discovered a rare type of cancer that couldnt be cured only treated and prolonged, on top of this mum then got Pneumonia and the cancer could no longer be treated during this time she rapidly declined and I am sad to say that yesterday at 3:15pm Mum took her last breath and passed away under heavy morphine so she was not suffering at least. I normally wouldnt post stuff like this here but since so many of you over the years i have been here have spoken to mum and witnessed the banter and what she like and alot of you have been asking, I just wanted to give you all an update.
Im sorry its not any better news but please take comfort in that she was not in pain as that what getting me through this at the moment, and a massive thank you to everyone who has checked up on me and supported me in this I truely love you all and you are all amazing