@MichaelDane ... I am not getting the joke cause this is a serious thing going on not a " meme/joke " and yes @INS Summers that is .. Apparently the military has sent a email saying that the power is being removed something like that. But they brought a flipping Tank into the capital near the airport. This does not look good ..
@PeachMasterI think I know what is going on but I don'tfeel safe saying it here..
I don't get it what type of negotiations are going on !?!? The police are reporting that it's all going good no need to panic but they are fucking shooting like wtf!
@MichaelDane bud all im gonna say is there is time for Memes/jokes but about a situation like this its best to not or people could find it offensive of joking around with it be a bit careful as people DO take this seriously.