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  • 80 + 20 gbp
    Mate you could have been lifetime donator, why not 100 one time may i ask?

    Lifetime donator is 160+ I believe... 

    Ahh okay then, just my misunderstanding. Thanks for straightening it up

    My sincere apology for being a bit rude today, I was in-character & my character was drunk. My character has good & bad days, which I play out as best as I can. Besides that, I play without name tags,...so please forgive me, or give me a thumbs up, If you're feelings were hurt, then I know I am good at acting out with my character ;) & so I wish to apologize out-of-character, right here, right now,... after all, I do perceive everyone in this community as a friend.

    I might not recognize someone by his clothing or voice, It is really hard for me, since I tend to forget things & play without name tags.

    An example: BOOth met a cop one day, a week past & the cop was a medic at the time as he met BOOth again, but BOOth couldn't remember a medic named ***, only the cop ***, but the cop seemed to have known him.

    It's hard to play out such situations, since we all are obliged not to metagame, & since its hard to know who is who, when someone changes his face or clothes in profile or in-game.

    Have a nice day & start of the week, yours _M_.

    Hey dude!
    Dont you think about it. I was also doing my own thing at the time. Myself could have done alot more with it but as i just ran.
    Your rp is onpoint everytime and i will remember that voice even if im in a dark alley.

    Nothing to say sorry about, 2 different rp situations that did not have the time for eachother then and there!
    Enjoy your evening and the rest of your week.  
    And again, downt worry about it! Il cya out there friend!

    So, 8 hour flight in total. Friend meets me at the airport. Get the truck out for a check up. I then get robbed at gunpoint. Robber gets cold feet, gives it all back.

    Met a wonderful man, that ends up getting shot infront of me.

    Cop then wants to send me to jail.

    At the end, made alot of money.

    What a Day..

    I love that British Airways are flying to Altis! Only pain is to get to Heathrow from where i am. Oh well. Lets hope my trucks are still around.

    Kavala here i come! 

    So is this a return to Altis?

    HAHA, no 3rd person? xD

    Seems that way until the files get customized. Lets see whose still good at gunfights - Police or rebels?

    I love it to be honest!

    Police have such an advantage. because rebels cant differentiate between different gangs now. Police have the uniform to make it easier!


    What do you expect from gangs and roleplay? 

    Honestly, when i am in a situation where roleplay. I do my upmost to give the officers a good time. 

    The thing that gets me is that most of the time i get a cold shoulder back. Why?

    You lads are the frontline when it comes to meeting new players that joins this server for the first time. 

    You make the difference in if they are staying or leaving. 

    I Just need and answer..

    Sam Jones
    Sam Jones
    I feel you need to elaborate more, a "cold shoulder" to what?

    I could have used another sentence.

    Some officers does not apperciate the RP. Some just wants to get it done.

    And others just gives you shitty RP back that i consider a waste of time.

    But there is a few that actually have som fun. But now for me its not adding up. Moren negative than positiv.

    Sam Jones
    Sam Jones
    Unfortunately there is a few bad apples shall we say but most people i patrol with put great quality RP and banter ahead of strict police guidelines. Try a good RP story with me and im sure you will make it fine :)

    So everyone. Where do i process sand-glass?

    I believe it is sand processing buddy :) I may be wrong

    I cant find it "/

    Don't do sand, I'll ruin the market myself.

    Props to the cops attending the The Warriors HM roleplay server 1-
    Lots of fun!

    Warning cone for the ARAC players. Would 360noscope it and be the best mechanic out there.

    Where can i find a list of controls on this server/website?

    Well, if you are looking for basic Arma controls: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uqq8EnDnxAA

    If you find windows key does not work when attempting to pick apples or what not, press the following:

    ESC>Settings>Controls - You will then see a dropdown box appear, select custom controls and click on Action 10, and remind it to Windows key.

    Once you have completed the above, check out @puppy1004's great guide listed here: http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/11523-the-hobo-guide/

    Any more questions, feel free to contact a mentor on Teamspeak. 


    Thank you!
    Indeed great help!

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