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  • I suffered an eye injury on the 4th of july... I can no longer tolerate UV light in my left eye... I will be playing with an eye patch for a while.

    ARRRRRRRRR you okay?

    Ill leave now...

    Aye Aye, Sir!

    Thats freaky... I logged on and saw I was the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel... I never joined it... I am in no gang... Spooky

    after the restart i saw a large building in the center of the parking area... then i got kicked and then it was gone!

    yeah... it was like one of those buildings that has the treausry, like an apartment and there were concrete barriers and metal fences around the parking area as well.

    I will slay mine enemies in the name of god... By morning's birth the soil will quench it's thirst through the blood of thine enemies.

    guys.... Medics have multiplyed! Theres too many now! there are reproducing my masturbation! we gotta have a medic hunting season now! I saw 8!

    Good job uk, your brexit vote has just allowed France to surpass you in economic prosperity. #conspiracy

    Enjoy the 2 mil matey. Sorry to hear what happened to you

    OMG! thank you so much! you're awesome! :D

    I found a way to be in kavala with an ilelgal weapon on your back! Live a sheltered life inside a building and watch from the window, Yell at anyone who comes by to get you food every once in a while. Police hate this! :D

    lol Hanz and August Frank, newbies, Don't know what the correct definition of meta gaming is. so adorable.

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