Maybe elaborate on your point to provoke some positive discussion as opposed to just making a pointlessly polarising statement? If you have suggestions — put them on the suggestions page.
Not quite sure what this relates to You got arrested or you got a ticket, you picked a fight against a government backed entity? Some more details would be handy, for ya know... context
Up next on dramaweazel news,
Police wont let me shoot who I want, I want to roleplay as a mass murderer and the police are restricting me and my fake freedom
PS: Is this the same police force who until 2 updates ago couldn't chase anyone because their cars were maxed at 90? Or the police force who couldn't search reliably? Or is the the other police force who can't actually roleplay as police because every civilian can't imagine not coming out of a situation on top and will murder a cop rather than getting a £20 fine for speeding?
On a more serious reply note you still haven't told us your problem, yes a police force will always be stronger than you, they are a government backed entity. You Mr Lonesome criminal will never be as strong as a government backed entity.
Your GTA RP suggestion count: 0
Your GTA bug report count: 0
Your messages to development or police command inbox about issues: 0
Get off the status updates and start contributing in the correct sections then if you want shit to change.
EDIT: Saying it is bias but providing no evidence or actual context? What is bias? Who is being bias towards the police?
Development & Character (Message the leads) - @Stealthee@Jaffa
Not comfortable messaging any of the above leads, speak to Management @ or via forums pm. Ofc anything reported is taken seriously and confidentiality is there if needed.
(Ps if you post something sarky, you are getting a half serious half sarky response, pss it is a game)
Not really any point saying what i'm thinking to be quite honest as its your guys project and nothing i can do or say will change that
The server its self is great and is a credit to you guys but it is too heavily weighted towards the police, i understand that police are government funded and will always have the upper hand etc but it would be nice one time for the criminals and civs to have a chance to do something about it making it fun for all.
Here are some issues in my opinion:
45 min jail time given out like sweets basically,fck you,you are in jail for 45 mins.(This is no fun for anyone)
I've been put in jail for 45 mins about 8 times now.
Even half an hour is too long.
Police ford focus are faster than an E63AMG Just as an example. This doesn't make sense.
All the police car speeds are unreal and civ cars are very slow compared.(no chance of getting away)
If you are managing to get away then you just get rammed as the police cars appear to fix themselves or are a hell of a lot stronger than any civ car.
Civs don't have much to do.
The police presence is (at the moment) about 2-1 and the player count has dropped recently.
The amount of cars/equipment the police have is far too over powered.