@Nick Carraway Yeah in essence the game takes much time, but when you are a big group, you can split the effort. There's always people who like the grind more than others ofcourse, but we don't expect a certain amount of hours, just need people who want to play and have fun, that is most important =).
I was considering getting the game but I played the hunger games version around a year ago when it was free and it was so horribly optimised, is the game still like that?
And does the game still work for those who play it only on the weekends or do you need to be really active to feed your dinosaurs and sheep or whatever?
It runs fine enough on a decent pc, theres some good start parameters to drastically improve performance while keeping graphics on an acceptable level for those who enjoy how a game looks.
You do need to keep your animals fed ofcourse, but one the perks of being in a tribe is that everyone looks after the tribes animals. They should not starve, unless they were parked somewhere outside view or range of the feeding troughs =). We have enough people in the tribe who put in a lot of hours, which makes up for the time other people don't have or aren't willing to put in ^^