Was not fully aware before... I thought you was referring to the first time he RDM'ed on our server @Appleby but tonight I find out there was a second occasion, Seeing hes no doubt having a wank over our forums right now... do you think your status is wise ?
@NIrish Andrew I don't care about opinion's and what not, doesn't bother me.
When it comes to a banned member coming back and breaking more rules to then get supported publicly by his cronies on the forums I think is more than a bit childish. Express them how the hell you like, i'll just state my opinion on it and express the same rights as you.
@Samatlewis And that is your right to do so and no one is stopping you, just like no one should stop making light of a situation the way we choose, I just think that a community that states to be 'adult' should maybe not take things to heart so easily and learn to have a bit of 'banter', also I don't think his 'cronies' as you refer them to are publicly supporting him just making a bit of a joke of it and stating the obvious which is that Pablo is a cracking shot.