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PC Harvey
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  • Gah..... I hate speaking to religious people at my door, I dont care for what there saying but there always too nice to just shut out xD

    Drama Lama
    Drama Lama
    let them in. they don't probably know what to do

    If I could just not use technology when drunk my past 2 years would've been much easier xD

    Just had a go on one of those Arma life servers, god the RP is terrible xD

    PC Harvey
    PC Harvey
    I just bought a car (it was green), like 2 mins later a guy walks up to me and says, Oi thats my car and shoots me, i respawn and come back after NLR and this same guys comes up to me and says im gonna have to kill you so you dont steal any more cars, and then bang bang.

    Later on his gang takes over the city, which is in other words an excuse to kill anyone...

    Replying to Wilco, I think this in general has something to do with how American servers work, yesterday at around 6 AM in the morning me and the officer I was patrolling with spotted someone running from copper trader to kavala, we hop out to give him a lift, he runs behind a wall and opens fire on us. I had no gun out on him or anything, all I said was Hey buddy. I got to cover and managed to subdue him with rubber bullets, restrained him and had a long talk with him about how that isn't okay here. He told me the American servers were really different, metagaming is completely allowed. cops can shoot you on sight if you're wanted and they see your name etc. This comes down to what servers people come from and the American Altis Life communities having a different idea of what their servers should be like. some of the communities finest Roleplayers such as Oak and Hadi Doogle are from North America (Oak being Canadian so he's naturally wonderful ofcourse) 

    Hadi Doogle
    Hadi Doogle
    @Xkan 2 I live in Michigan right next to Toronto Canada so I'm not as Americany (if that's a word) ;)

    To think that in a few months, Three Year achievements will start to be handed out xD

    Good Observation Harvey, i didn't think about that xD

    PC Harvey
    PC Harvey
    Mark that was a quick like, geez xD

    Booker Dewitt
    Booker Dewitt
    only 196 days until that achievement then.

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